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When to choose dbt?

Milloin kannattaa valita dbt?

Mikko Sulonen, award-winning dbt expert, explains what dbt is, who it's for, and when it makes sense to choose it as a tool.

Mika Heino

Written by โ€” Mika Heino, Data Architect

A State of Cloud Data Warehouses Talk Show is a video series in which our Partner and Data Architect Mika Heino interviews different data and AI/ML experts about topics close to their hearts.


What is dbt & when to choose it?

Another guest, another topic! Our CTO and Data Architect Mikko Sulonen is a familiar name to anyone who has followed our publications. He is an experienced dbt expert recognized by dbt Labs with a Community Award. But did you know he's the only one to receive such recognition in the Nordics? Yeah, pretty cool.

In this video, Mikko briefly overviews what dbt is, who itโ€™s intended for, and when it makes sense to choose dbt as a tool.

The video is in Finnish but equipped with English subtitles ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

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