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Let's play Baldur's Gate 3 with Snowflake Cortex LLM & Snowpark OCR / Image Recognition

Our Data Architect Mika continues to explore new Cloud Data Warehouse features. This time, he tests how to use recently announced Snowflake Cortex's LLM features together with Snowpark image recognition to play Baldur's Gate 3.

Mika Heino

Written by — Mika Heino, Data Architect

Yes, you saw it correctly: Mika is back with a new video! This time, he demonstrates how you can leverage Snowflake to extract text from various types of images and conduct comprehensive analysis using LLMs. Whether it's bills, documents, or any other PDFs, Snowflake provides the perfect platform. However, in this video, he's using these capabilities to play the hugely popular RPG, Baldur's Gate 3.

The true potential of text recognition with LLMs extends far beyond gaming. Imagine applying this powerful capability in industries like finance for automating invoice processing, in healthcare for extracting insights from medical records, or in legal fields for analyzing contracts and documents. The possibilities are endless, and Snowflake offers the ideal environment to unleash the full potential of these applications.

In the demo, Mika shows you how to utilize EasyOCR within Snowpark UDF to seamlessly capture text from Baldur's Gate. Then, we'll feed this text data into Snowflake Cortex LLM, specifically Mistral, for in-depth analysis.


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